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Marge: Homie, Are You Really Going To Ignore Grampa For The Rest Of Your Life?
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
Marge: Homie, are you really going to ignore Grampa for the rest of
your life?
Homer: Of course not, Marge, just for the rest of his life.
Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
Marge: Homey, are you really going to ignore Grampa for the rest of your life.
Homer: Of course not, Marge, just for the rest of his life....
Homer: You know what? Grampa: What? Homer: We're both screw-ups.
Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy...
Marge: Here he is: Rex Harrison and Paul Anka rolled into one.
Ooh, hmm. That tonic really works -- you and Grampa should bottle it and go into business together....
Marge, there's just too much pressure, what with my job, the kids, traffic snarls, political strife at home and abroad.
But I promise you, the second all of those things go away, we'll have sex....
Abe: Welcome home, Son. I broke two lamps and lost all your mail.
[Marge walks away] What's wrong with your wife?...
Homer: [looking at Kama Sutra] Hey Marge! This guy looks like Apu.
Marge: Shh. I don't want people to see us looking at these books....
Harvey: Hello, Americans, Paul Harvey here. Did you know every good American is at heart an erotic American?
It's true. A famous couple -- I don't need to tell you it was Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower -- offered _this_ advice...
Bart: [bursting in] Mom! Dad! Homer+Marge: Don't turn on the light!
Don't turn on the light! Bart: There's a UFO outside my window....
Marge: Mmm, I hope you kept the Homey-fires burning.
[Homer snores] Homer... Homer: Huh?...