Krusty: Blech! [spits The Burger Out] Oh, I Almost Swallowed Some Of The Juice.

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Krusty: Blech! [spits the burger out] Oh, I almost swallowed some
of the juice.
[drinks from his flask] Uhh, I'll be tasting that for
Accountant: Great spot, K. C.
Krusty: Put a sock in it, preppy. How much are these free burgers
gonna cost me?
Accountant: Not to worry, Mr. K. We've rigged the cards: they're all in
events that Communists never lose.
Krusty: I like, I like.
Woman: This just came over the wires, Big K.
Krusty: [reads] Uh-huh. Soviet boycott. U.S. unopposed in most
events. How does this affect our giveaway?
Accountant: Let's see. [calculates] You personally stand to lose $44
-- As long as he never bets against the Globetrotters,
"Lisa's First Word"
