Or.... The Travelling Salesman Was Weekending In A Small Town Whose Single Industry Was The Manufacture Of Coin Operated Machines.

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Or.... the Travelling Salesman was weekending in a small town
whose single industry was the manufacture of coin operated
machines. It was very quiet on Saturday night so he asked the
desk clerk if there was anything going on in town. "No," replied
the clerk, "but the factory has a demo room that's open all the
time. They have some new machines there and you can try them
out." The T/S went to the factopry and found a number of
interesting machines in operation. One large one had a small
hole in the front of it and was labled, "YOUR WIFE AWAY FROM
HOME". He thought this an excellent idea, so opened his fly,
stuck his member into the hole and inserted a dollar bill. There
was immdeiate and noisy operating inside the machine and when he
withdrew his member, there was a button sewn on the end of it!
