Top Ten Signs Disney Is Taking Over New York City 10.

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Top Ten Signs Disney is Taking Over New York City

10. $20 will buy you a lap dance from Goofy
9. The Statue of Liberty now has a rodent-like tail
8. Guys handing out flyers for "The Country Bears' Pantsless
7. Mayor Giuliani's new audioanimatronic combover
6. 50% increase in number of drag queens going by name "Tinkerbell"
5. Cab drivers now have mouse ears glued to their turbans
4. Mafia figures adopting nicknames like "Bashful" and "Sleepy"
3. Hookers now whistling while they work
2. Frank Gifford recently caught nailing the Little Mermaid
1. Midtown crack house now called "Space-Out Mountain"

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