There Was This Guy Who Went To Spain. One Day, He Goes Over To The Bullfights And Watches As The Bullfighter Kills The Bull.

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There was this guy who went to Spain. One day, he goes over to
the bullfights and watches as the bullfighter kills the bull. After that
afternoon of excitement, he gets hungry and goes over to a cafe right next
to the arena of the bullfight. There he looks at the menu, and orders
the special, "Meatballs." The waiter comes out with 2 huge meatballs
and the guy eagerly eats it. The bull fight was so interesting, he came
back the next day and went over to the cafe again to have the delicious
meatballs. This continued on for 5 or so days, until the guy goes to the
cafe and the waiter comes out with 2 dinky little balls.

"What's wrong with the meatballs? Why are they so small?" asks the

"Well, Senor, sometimes dee bull weens," said the waiter.
