Krusty: {I Don't Want To Hit A Sore Spot, But Can We Talk About Herpes?

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Krusty: {I don't want to hit a sore spot, but can we talk about herpes?
Herpes herpes, bo-berpes, banana, fana fo-ferpes -- her-pes.
Hey: that spot on Gorbachev's head -- herpes, trust me!
Anybody here have herpes? Huh? Huh?
[No one answers]
You people are the worst audience I've ever seen.}
Man: {You're the worst comedian we've ever seen!}
Krusty: {Oh, great! Well, we'll just sit here silently for the next
ninety minutes.}
Man: {Fine with us.}
Krusty: {[groans and sits]}
-- Comedic lead balloons, "$pringfield"
