Marge: [annoyed] Wake Up! Homer: Marge, It's 3:00am And I Worked All Day!

HomeFortune CookiesThe Simpsons

Marge: [annoyed] Wake up!
Homer: Marge, it's 3:00am and I worked all day!
Marge: It's 9:30pm and you spend your whole Saturday drinking beer in
Maggie's kiddie pool!
[clip from 9F06: Homer pulling hotdog from kiddie pool]
Homer, young people learn about love from adults and we've been
setting a terrible example for our children and the community in
general. I want us to deal with the issues raised by this book.
Homer: [takes it] Hmm...
[clip from 8F17: book lands on fire]
Marge: Hmm...I knew we shouldn't have put a fireplace in the bedroom.
-- It's good for snuggling, however,
"Another Simpsons Clip Show"
