Abe: And With That, A Mighty Cheer Went Up From The Heroes Of Springfield.

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Abe: And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of
Springfield. They had brought the sacred tree back to its
native soil, and though Flanders was stuck with the impound
fee, he could easily afford it.
Milhouse: More lemonade, Bart?
Bart: Absolutely.
[Milhouse squeezes a tiny bit of juice in a glass]
Milhouse: [pouring sugar in] Say when.
Abe: There are over fourteen parts of the lemon which are edible...
Abe2: And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of
Shelbyville. They had banished the awful lemon tree forever,
because it was haunted. Now let's all celebrate with a cool
glass of turnip juice.
-- That's why you buy juicers, "Lemon of Troy"
