Marge: This One's A Good Choice, And It's Not Too Smutty.

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Marge: This one's a good choice, and it's not too smutty. It's a book
on tape by Paul Harvey, you know, that nice midwestern man on
the radio who's like a pleasant version of Grampa?
Homer: Ooh! "Mr. and Mrs. Erotic American."
Lisa: Mom! Dad! Look, this biography of Peter Ueberroth is only
99c. And I found the new Al Gore book. [holds it up]
Marge: "Sane Planning, Sensible Tomorrow."
Lisa: Yeah, I hope it's as exciting as his other book, "Rational
Thinking, Reasonable Future".
Bart: I'm getting this book on UFOs. ["Unidentified Flying
Outrage!"] Did you know they're real, but there's a huge
government conspiracy to cover it up?
Lisa: Oh, that's just a paranoid fantasy.
[the man runs Lisa's book over the scanner]
[a signal travels down through the scanner, over wires, to a
satellite dish, up to a satellite, and down to the Pentagon]
[a man in uniform grabs a printout and dashes off to the White
Officer: Mr. Vice President! Someone finally bought a copy of your
book, sir.
Al Gore: Well, this calls for a celebration.
[puts on a Kool 'n' the Gang record: "Celebrate good times...
I will.
-- Celebrating sanely for a sensible tomorrow,
"Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy"
