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Did You Hear That She Said She Would Do Anything For A Mink Coat, She Got One, And Now She Can't Button It Up.
Fortune Cookies
Did you hear that She said she would do anything for a mink
coat, she got one, and now she can't button it up.
The teacher asked three boys to write an essay. She said, "Write on what you would do if you had a million dollars, and bring it in tomorrow.
So the next day the three little boys came in. She said to the first boy, "Percy, this is a nice essay on what you'd do with a million dollars....
Did you hear about the secretary that got fired because she had one too mini.
She said she would go through anything for me and she wanted to start with my bank book.
She said she would love me till the end of time. But then she said my time was up.
Did you hear about the freshman coed who decided not to sign up for a course in sex education when she heard the final exam would be oral.
A young man and his girlfriend were walking along Main Street when she spotted a beautiful diamond ring in a jewelry-store window.
Wow, I'd sure love to have that!" she gushed. "No problem," her companion replied, throwing a brick through the window and grabbing the ring....
Did you hear She's fine, upstanding, and wonderful laying down too.
Did you hear that She was a farmer's daughter but she couldn't keep her calves together.
I went out with this girl who was really fat. Did you ever hear the expression "as big as a house"?
She was wearing aluminum siding. She had two pictures....