Microsoft Mandatory Survey (#5) Customers Who Want To Upgrade To Windows 98 Second Edition Must Now Fill Out A Microsoft Survey Online Before They Can Order The Bugfix/upgrade.

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Microsoft Mandatory Survey (#5)

Customers who want to upgrade to Windows 98 Second Edition must now fill
out a Microsoft survey online before they can order the bugfix/upgrade.

Question 5: Where do you want to go today?(tm)

A. To Washington, D.C. to meet Janet Reno and cuss her out for persecuting

B. To Redmond, WA to take a tour of the Microsoft campus

C. To the software store to purchase a new piece of Microsoft software

D. To my local school district to convince the administration to upgrade
the Macintoshes in the computer labs to Wintel systems

E. I don't know about myself, but I'd like to see so-called "consumer
advocates" like Ralph Nader go to Hell.
