Microsoft Mandatory Survey (#15) Customers Who Want To Upgrade To Windows 98 Second Edition Must Now Fill Out A Microsoft Survey Online Before They Can Order The Bugfix/upgrade.

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Microsoft Mandatory Survey (#15)

Customers who want to upgrade to Windows 98 Second Edition must now fill
out a Microsoft survey online before they can order the bugfix/upgrade.

Question 15: In your opinion, what companies should Microsoft seek to
acquire in the coming year?

A. Disney. I'd like to see a cute animated movie starring Clippit the
Office Assistant.

B. CBS. I'd like to see a new line-up featuring must-watch shows like
"Touched by a Microserf", "Redmond Hope", "Everybody Loves Bill", "The
Late Show With Steve Ballmer", and "60 Minutes... of Microsoft

C. Google. Microsoft could drastically improve the quality and performance
of this search engine by migrating it from Linux to Windows NT

D. Lowes Hardware Stores. Every copy of Windows 2000 could come bundled
with a coupon for a free kitchen sink or a free window!
