Three Yuppers, Sven, Ole And Karl, Were Sitting In A Boat Fishing.

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Three yuppers, Sven, Ole and Karl, were sitting in a boat fishing.
It was a grey autumn morning, a light drizzle fell from the skies and the
lake reflected like the color of old pewter. The fishermen became dazed,
hypnotized by the mesmerizing act of watching thier lines. Karl fell out
of the boat. Five minutes went by ... Ten minutes went by ... Fifteen
minutes went by ... "Hey," said Sven, "where's Karl?" "Oh My God!" cried
Ole, "He's fallen into the lake!" So Sven stripped off his raincoat and
heavy jacket and leapt into the water, diving frantically to find his
missing pal. A minute later, Sven surfaced and heaved the limp and dripping
wet lost fisherman into the boat. Ole immediately began CPR. "Hey," said Ole
as he came up for air, "I don't remember Karl's breath being -that- bad."
"Hey," scowled Sven, "Come to think of it, I don't remember Karl being
dressed in a snowmobile suit either ..."
