You Know The Story Of Noah's Ark, Of Course. Well

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You know the story of Noah's Ark, of course. Well, after the flood
when the ark came to rest on Ararat, Noah released all the animals,
and held a meeting and explained to them that the Lord wanted them to
be fruitful and multiply and repopulate the earth. Then he sent them
out about it. In a week he went around to check on things. Well, the
place was humming with activity: the insects had all reproduced of
course, so there were flies, mosquitos, bees, and so on, and the small
animals like the mice and hamsters were pregnant, the birds were building
nests, and the other animals were getting about the courting process,
all except the two snakes, down by the stream in a swampy bit no one else
wanted. They were just lying there, curled up on two rocks in the sun.
"Hey, be fruitful and multiply!" Noah told them. The male snake raised
his head and said, "Don't sweat it!" So Noah went back to his business.

A couple of weeks later Noah made another trip around. Well, the insects
were into the third generation already, and the place was fairly hopping
with baby hamsters, mice, bunnies, and so on. The cat and the dog were
both pregnant, and the birds were all sitting clutches of eggs. Even
some of the larger animals were showing signs of mating. All but the snakes.
The only sign of activity there was the two had changed rocks.
Noah again enjoined them to get with it. "We're cool!" The
male snake assured him.

A few weeks later Noah again made the rounds. By now the place was
beginning to look fairly bursting with animals. Almost all the large
animals were pregnant by now, and many birds had hatched, there was
a litter of kittens, and the dog was expecting her litter any minute.
Noah however hurried down to the stream to see the snakes. He found them
chopping down trees, sawing the wood into logs and building furniture!
"Will you two get with it!" He said. "Don't sweat it, everything is under
control!" The male snake replied.

Well, a few weeks later Noah again took a look around. By now even the
elephant was pregnant, and the place was alive with baby animals. But
again Noah hurried down to check on those snakes. When he got there,
the area around the stream was positively wiggling with baby snakes.

Which of course proves that ANYBODY can multiply with log tables!
