3 Guys In A Boat Fishing. A Catholic, A Methodist, And A Baptist.

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3 guys in a boat fishing. a catholic, a methodist, and a baptist.
The catholic says to the others "I'm getting hungry and my lunch
is on shore". So he jumps out of the boat, runs across the top
of the water to the shore and begins to eat lunch. Well, the
baptist was just amazed. "Did you see that!", he said. The
methodist says "O, that's nothing. I'm hungry to". So he jumps
out of the boat, runs across the top of the water and sits
beside the catholic and begins to eat his sandwich. Now the
Baptist is just dumbfounded' "I can't believe it. It's
impossible". Be the good Baptist he is, he thought to himself
"My faith is just as strong as theirs, no it's stronger. I have
nothing to fear". So he shouted to his friends on shore,
"I'm hungry to, I'll join you". So he stands up, steps out of
the boat,falls flat on his face, and begins to climbs back into the
boat. The Catholic turns to the Methodist with a smile and says,
"Gees, don't think we should have told him about the rocks"
