One Day In Norsegard (the Norwegian Heaven, I Think), Thor, The God Of Thunder, Being Bored With Heavenly Existence Decided That A Quick Trip To Earth Would Help Alleviate Some Of This Boredom.

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One day in Norsegard (the Norwegian heaven, I think), Thor, the god of
thunder, being bored with heavenly existence decided that a quick trip
to earth would help alleviate some of this boredom. Traveling
incognito, except for his trusty hammer, Thor came across a buxom blond
(what else?) and suggested that some mutual cohabitation of a degenerate
degree would be helpful to both parties concerned. The blond, not
saying anything, and impressed with the size of Thor's hammer, nodded
her agreement. They cohabitated for three days and Thor returned home.
Upon his arrival, Odin grabbed Thor and reprimanded him: "No problem
sleeping with mortals, but you should go back and tell her your name."
Thor returned to earth, went up to the girl's house, knocked, and when
she answered said: "I'm Thor."
To which the girl lisped in reply: "You're thore, I'm tho thore I can
hardwy pee!"
