A Farmer Went To The Doctor Complaining That His Sex Life Was Not What It Should Be.

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A farmer went to the doctor complaining that his sex life was not
what it should be. So the doctor gave him some pills, but warned
him that they were still experimental, and that he should be
extremely careful in their use. The farmer thanked him and left.
Quite a while later, they met on the street, and the doctor asked
the farmer how the pills had worked out. The farmer replied, "Oh,
I never took none of those. You know, you said to be careful, so
when I went home I gave one of them to one of my bulls. Well that
animal just went crazy. He jumped three cows, ran across the pasture,
broke through the fence, then fell down the ravine and broke his fool
neck. No sir, I never took none of them. I just threw 'em down
the well". The doctor asked with a shocked look, "Good heavens!
You're not drinking the water, are you?" The farmer replied, "Nope,
I can't even get the pump handle down".
