TEXAS COMPUTER DEFINITIONS Hard Drive: Trying To Climb A Steep, Muddy Hill With 3 Flat Tires, Pulling A Flatbed Trailer Loaded With Alfalfa Hay.

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Hard Drive: Trying to climb a steep, muddy hill with 3 flat tires, pulling a
flatbed trailer loaded with alfalfa hay.
Keyboard: Place to hang your truck keys.
Window: Place in the truck to hang your gun.
Floppy: When you run out of Polygrip.
Modem: How you got rid of the weeds in the pasture.
ROM: Delicious when you mix it with coca cola.
Byte: The next thing that happens after you hear that rattling sound, down
in the snake grass.
Reboot: What you do when your old pair gets encrusted with barn droppings.
Network: Activity meant to provide bait for your trout line.
Mouse: Fuzzy, soft thing you stuff in your beer bottle in order to get a
free case.
LAN: To borrow as in, "Hey Delbert! LAN me yore truck."
Cursor: What you do when you find out your wife drank up all your Lone Star.
Website: The place in the barn where the spiders live.
Newsgroup: When the wives get together to gossip at the Widder Hawkins'
Screen Saver: The paint you put on your screen door when it begins to rust.
CPU: When you look down and see a cow pattie.
Browser: What you do when a purty gal walks by in the general store.
Chipset: Two piles of buffalo dung, side by side.
C++: The best grade you got before dropping out of school.
Motherboard: The process of jacking up your mama and backing the pickup
under her, for her Saturday trip to the bingo hall.
