Leroy, A Local Football Star, Is Jogging Down The Street When He Sees A Building On Fire.

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Leroy, a local football star, is jogging down the street when he sees
a building on fire. A lady is standing on a third-storey ledge holding
her pet cat in her arms.

"Hey, lady," yells Leroy, "Throw me the cat."
"No," she cries, "It's too far."
"I play football, I can catch him."

The smoke is pouring from the windows, and finally, the woman waves to
Leroy, kisses her cat good-bye, and tosses it down to the street.
Leroy keeps his eye on the cat as it comes hurtling down toward him.
The feline bounces off an awning and Leroy runs into the street
to catch it. He jumps six feet into the air and makes a spectacular
one-handed catch. The crowd that has gathered to watch the fire
breaks into cheers.

Leroy does a little dance, lifts the cat above his head, wiggles his
knees back and forth, then spikes the cat into the pavement.
