Lovejoy: And So When Eliphaz Came Down From Mount Hebron Bearing Fig

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Lovejoy: And so when Eliphaz came down from Mount Hebron bearing figs,
he offered them to Mohem, who you will remember is the father
of Sheckhom, and to Hazar on the occasion of their matrimony,
much in the same --
Burns: We've heard enough about Bliz-Blaz and Him-Ham already. Get to
the bloody point!
[Marge elbows Jackie, "Hmm? Hmm?"]
Lovejoy: Do you, Charles Montgomery Burns, take this woman to be your
lawfully wedded wife?
Burns: I do.
[Bart bumbles with the ring and drops it]
The ring, you little imbecile, before I really lose my temper!
[kicks Bart. Marge elbows Jackie]
Jackie: I know, I know. Ow! Ow! [Burns forces the ring on]
[Marge scowls]
Lovejoy: Do you, Jacqueline Bouvier, take this man to be your lawfully
wedding husband?
["Moonlight Serenade" starts on the organ]
Jackie: Oh, Monty, my favorite song! How did --
Burns: I specifically requested _no_ romantic music! What --
-- A real charmer, "Lady Bouvier's Lover"
