Bart: [sarcastically] Enjoy Your Bath? Lisa: No, Not Really.

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Bart: [sarcastically] Enjoy your bath?
Lisa: No, not really.
Bart: Oh, too bad. Well I've certainly had fun vacuuming. Maybe now
I'll get the pleasure of scrubbing your tub.
Lisa: [to Maggie] So typical of Bart. All he thinks about is himself.
Bart: Hey! Don't say stuff like that about me to Maggie. She's on my
side anyway.
Lisa: Is not!
Bart: Is too!
Lisa: Is not.
Bart: Is too!
Lisa: Is not.
Bart: Is too! Watch, I'll prove it. Maggie, come to the one you love
Maggie: [hops off the couch, looks at Bart]
Lisa: No Maggie! Come here girl, come to me.
Bart: [shaking a rattler] Come on Maggie, the choice is obvious.
Lisa: [beckoning her] No Maggie, don't go for the glitter, look for
Maggie: [looks at them both, uncertain]
Lisa: [giving up] All right Maggie, just go to Bart.
Bart: Egg-zactly, come to the one you love best.
Maggie: [looks at them both, then walks away and embraces the TV set]
-- "Moaning Lisa"
