Th. Jefferson: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-evident.

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Th. Jefferson: We hold these truths to be self-evident...
Bart: [to himself] We hold these truths to be self-evident...
We hold these truths to be self-evident...
Th. Jefferson: That all men are created equal.
Bart: [to himself] That all men are created equal...
Th. Jefferson: And from that equal creation they derive rights inherent
and inalienable...
Delegate: [glances out the window, points]
Hey, look, everybody! It's snowing!
Delegate: In the middle of July?
Al. Hamilton: It's a miracle!
Ben Franklin: [comes in, shakes snow off his wig]
I've invented something fun! The sled!
[all the delegates (except Bart) rush outside to play]
Delegate: [o.s.] Hey, look everybody!
John Hancock's writing his name in the snow!
-- Trying to study during a snow day, "Bart Gets an F"
