Arnie: Arnie Pie In The Sky With The Morning Commute.

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Arnie: Arnie Pie in the sky with the morning commute. Traffic this
morning is as bad as it gets. Due to a fire at the Army testing
lab, a bunch of escaped infected monkeys are roaming the
expressway. Despite the sweltering heat, don't unroll your
windows, 'cause those monkeys seem confused and irritable.
Homer: Hee hee hee. I pity those poor suckers on the freeway. Gas
break honk. Gas break honk. Honk honk punch. Gas gas gas.
[Walks to terminal.]
8:58, first time I've ever been early for work. Except for all
those daylight savings days. Lousy farmers.
-- Without whom, new obese Homer wouldn't exist,
"King-Size Homer"
