Seems Like This Guy Wanders Into A Rural Outfitting Store In Alaska, And Starts Talking To A Rather Grizzled Old Man Sitting By The Cash Register.

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Seems like this guy wanders into a rural outfitting store in Alaska,
and starts talking to a rather grizzled old man sitting by the cash
"Hear ya got a lotta' bears 'round here?"
"Yeah, you could say that," answers the old man.
"A few."
"Got any bear bells?"
"What's that?"
"You know, them little dingle-bells ya put on yer backpack so
bears know yer there so's they can run away ... I'll take one fer black
bears, and one fer them grizzlies. Say, how do you know yer in grizzly
country, anyhow?"
"Look fer scatt. Grizzly scatt's different from black bear scatt."
"Well now, what's IN grizzly scatt that's different?"
"Bear bells."
