In 1972 I Was Working At A Very Boring Job In An Aerospace Factory.

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In 1972 I was working at a very boring job in an aerospace factory.
There were three guys my age (early 20's) in the department and we
werw always playing what we saw as a joke on some poor unsuspecting
soul. I was also in the Navy Reserve at the time and had to take
two weeks off during the Summer to due my training. When I returned
>from two weeks off, not yet bored enough yet to begin playing more
jokes, the other three guys went off their heads pulling any kind of
trivial, dangerous or otherwise obnoxious stunt they could think of.
At the end of the second day the supervisor called me into the office
and said:

"Jones, I don't know what's the matter with you but you better knock
it off. I've had two weeks of peace and quiet while you were gone
and now that you're back all hell's breaking loose. You go on back
out there and stop bothering people."

I knew that I hadn't done anything but I didn't bother to protest.
I could recognize a well executed joke when I saw one.
