Doctor Livingston Is Out Exploring New Territory Somewhere On The Deep Dark Continent.

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Doctor Livingston is out exploring new territory somewhere on the deep
dark continent. He stumbles upon a tribal village.
As he walks down the street of the village, he sees a sign for "CHEZ
CANIBAL - The Finest in Exotic Meats" and goes in.
He's looking over the deli case and sees "MONKEY BRAINS: $0.49 per lb"
next, he sees "ENGLISH EXPLORER BRAINS: $2.79 per lb" next, he sees
"AMERICAN LAWYER BRAINS: $1,935,932,710.99 per lb".
Doctor Livingston asked the attendant "Why are the AMERICAN LAWYER BRAINS
so expensive?" And the attendant replied "Do you know how many American
Lawyers we have to kill to get a pound of brains?"
