Top Ten List Of Excuses Why A Homebrewed Beer Tastes Bad" 10

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"Top Ten List Of Excuses Why A Homebrewed Beer Tastes Bad"
10: My dog peed in the fermentor.
9: Evil spirits invaded the airlock.
8: Bad? This beer doesn't taste bad.
7: Misread the word hop, thought it said MOP.
6: Followed the directions on the can.
5: Ran out of corn sugar, used C&H pure cane sugar instead.
4: Thought watermelon beer would be great at picnics.
3: Found a nest of mice in the secondary fermentor after racking.
2: My wife likes it that way.
And, the number one excuse for why a beer tastes bad...... (drumroll, please)
1: Well, theres this tribe of Indians in South America.....
