Three Friends Were Standing Around Bragging About How Great Their Pets Were.

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Three friends were standing around bragging about how great their pets were.
They each claimed their dog was the smartest. The Doctor turned to his dog
and said, "Go, Rover." Rover proceeded to cross to an operating table and do
a serious operation in spactacular fashion, including all major surgery and
stitching the wound closed. Upon completion of the surgery, Rover crossed to
the doctor who gave him some cookies. "Not bad," said the engineer, who
turned to his dog and said, "Go, Spot!" Where upon Spot crossed over to a
drafting table and, in five minutes, proceeded to knock out complete con-
struction blue prints for a 150 story office complex. When he was finished,
Spot crossed to the engineer, who gave him some cookies. The doctor and the
engineer turned expectantly to the lawyer, who shrugged. The lawyer turned to
his dog and said, "Okay Fido, they're finished." Where upon Fido pissed on
the plans, screwed both Rover and Spot, and stole their cookies.
