Let Me Apologize For Not Making That Joke Rot13. It Should Have Been, But I Goofed Up, As Sometimes Happens, Even To Pfrect Guys Like Me.

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Let me apologize for not making that joke rot13. It should have been,
but I goofed up, as sometimes happens, even to pfrect guys like me.

Rest assured that I'm not unaware of the Holocaust. Part of my heritage
is Jewish, enough that Hitler would have put me into the camps had I been
in Nazi Germany.

Also rest assured that the posting of the joke near the 50th anniversary of
the start of Hitler's pogroms was literally random chance. The jokes
are posted by the cron, which selects a random joke from the joke queues.
That joke was actually received a while ago, and the decision to post on
that date was that of my system's rand(), srand() and time() routines.

Brad Templeton, Looking Glass Software Ltd. -- Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473

What do you see in one of Vice-President Quayle's ears when you shine a
flashlight in the other?

A thousand points of light.
