Being A Dodgers Fan, I Realize That I Should Heed The Predictions Of Nostradamus And Know That The A's Will Lose To The Dodgers.

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Being a Dodgers fan, I realize that I should heed the predictions of
Nostradamus and know that the A's will lose to the Dodgers. In the book
"Nostradamus: The Missing Quatrains" is the prediction:

And the Men of the Smog shall fight in the West
And in the final section of the seventh battle
(This is a semi-original work. iccdev!mark originally posted something
similar in talk.rumors back in May about the NBA championships. I made
up some new rhymes for the current World Series. You can post in
anonymously if you wish, but in case someone complains, I *did* mention
this is not a 100% original work.)
