Ot-all-there --- You Know How It Is When You're Reading A Book And Falling Asleep, You're Reading, Reading.

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--- not-all-there ---

You know how it is when you're reading a book and falling
asleep, you're reading, reading... and all of a sudden you
notice your eyes are closed? I'm like that all the time.

Well, you know when you're rocking in a rocking chair, and you
go so far that you almost fall over backwards, but at the last
instant you catch yourself? That's how I feel all the time.

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I
think I've forgotten this before.

Lots of comedians have people they try to mimic. I mimic my

I got a new shadow. I had to get rid of the other one... it
wasn't doing what I was doing.

If you can't hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses.

Four years ago... no, it was yesterday.
Today I... No, that wasn't me.
Sometimes I... No, I don't.
