Gimme A Cold Filtered Big Joe Coors Dark Dry Lite Extra-Hearty Draft Lager With The Imported Austrailian Taste In The Barrel- Shaped Twist-Off Bottle And A Mango, Please.

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"Gimme a Cold Filtered Big Joe Coors Dark Dry Lite Extra-Hearty
Draft Lager With The Imported Austrailian Taste In The Barrel-
Shaped Twist-Off Bottle and a mango, please. Oh, and one of those
specially-emblemed, frosted 24-ounce glasses."

"We're outta 'em."

"Oh. Gimme a can of Bud Lite, then."



"That'll be five bucks."

Ron D. Harvey jailbird@ihlpm.ATT.COM

"A body can work up a mean, mean thirst after a day of doing nothing."
