A Man Was Sitting At Home With His Wife And They Were Watching TV.

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A man was sitting at home with his wife and they were watching TV. He
was a chain-smoker and suddenly runs out of his cigarettes. He says to
his wife: "I'm going to the bar to get some more cigarettes".
At the bar he sees this gorgeous and attractive girl. They start to
talk and then they decide that he will go home with her. There they
start f*cking each other. Suddenly the man looks at the clock: "Hey,
its 0:30. Time for me to go home".
He dressed, runs for the door, stop and says: "Do you have any talcum
"Yes. Why?"
"Sprinkle a little talcum on my hands"
She sprinkles a little talcum on his hands, then he went to his wife.
She YELLS: "Where the hell have you been?"
"Well, I went to the bar, met this girl, went with her to her
house where we made love to each other"
She looks at his hands. "Don't lie to me. You met the boys and went
bowling with them. I can see the talcum powder."
