One Day, A Young Priest In St. John's, Newfoundland, Finds Himself In The Situation Of Having To Hear Confessions.

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One day, a young priest in St. John's, Newfoundland, finds himself in the
situation of having to hear confessions. He has never done this before,
and so he is given a list of what to give out as penance. A woman comes
into the confessional and begins: "Forgive me father, for I have sinned."
The priest replies: "What is your sin, my child?" "I have told lies", she
says. The priest consults his list and sees that the required penance is
two Hail Mary's. "Anything else, my child?", he says. "Father, I've committed
fellatio," she replies. The priest scans the list and panics because he
cannot find fellatio! He sticks his head out of the door of the confessional
and sees an alter boy passing by. "Quick, what does Father Brown give for
fellatio?" he asks. The boy replies: "Ten dollar."
