Jesus Was Walking Through The Desert One Day, When He Comes Across A Crowd Of People, Preparing To Stone A Prostitute To Death.

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Jesus was walking through the desert one day, when he comes across a
crowd of people, preparing to stone a prostitute to death. He
enquires as to what is happening and why. The people respond that
they are going to stone her because she is a prostitute, and as such a
sinner! So they bury her up to her head in sand and are about to
stone her when Jesus walks over her and speaks to the crowd, finishing
up with "Let the person who is without sin, cast the first stone".
The crowd fidgets for a while and then starts to walk away. Just as
most of them had decided to leave, a huge stone comes flying over and
hits the prostitute in the head, killing her. And Jesus turns around
and says "You know, you really piss me off at times, Mother."
