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I Want To Be Alone With My Thought. -- Homer, "There's No Disgrace Like Home
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The Simpsons
I want to be alone with my thought.
-- Homer, "There's No Disgrace Like Home"
I want to be alone with my thought. -- Homer in "There's No Disgrace Like Home", from The Simpso
Homer: Okay, now look. My boss is going to be at this picnic, so I want you to show your father some love and/or respect.
Lisa: Tough choice. Bart: I'm picking respect. -- "There's No Disgrace Like Home...
D'oh! -- Homer, "There's No Disgrace Like Home
Marge: Homer, couldn't we pawn my engagement ring instead?
Homer: Now, I appreciate that, honey, but we need one hundred and fifty dollars here....
Marge: Homer, couldn't we pawn my engagement ring instead?
Homer: I appreciate that, honey, but we need one hundred an fifty dollars here!...
When will I learn? The answer to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV!
-- Homer, "There's No Disgrace Like Home...
When will I learn? The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle.
They're on TV! -- Homer Simpson There's No Disgrace Like Home...
You're everywhere. You're omnivorous.
-- Homer Simpson, to God There's No Disgrace Like Home...
Mmmmm.... marshmallows...
-- Homer admires Marge's gelatinous dessert, "There's No Disgrace Like Home...