Bart: Wait A Minute, Whoa, Whoa. [whistles To Call The Orchestra's Attention] Stop The Music.

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Bart: Wait a minute, whoa, whoa. [whistles to call the orchestra's
attention] Stop the music. [they do]
Where's dad?
[the Simpsons begin to look]
"Lisa": Here he is! [points to the orchestra pit, where Homer is
curled up]
Homer: I'm hiding from the-the-the-the ghost!
Marge: Ghost? What ghost?
Homer: B-b-before the show you said we were having a special ghost
Marge: I said we were having a special _guest_ tonight -- Mr. Tim
Homer: What's a Tim Conway?
Conway: [walks onstage] Oh, about 120 pounds.
-- Ba-da-boom, "The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase"
