Homer: Okay Everybody! It's The Moment You've All Been Waiting For!

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Homer: Okay everybody! It's the moment you've all been waiting
for! The piggs de resistance! [Uncovers a rotissory pig
with an apple in its mouth.]
Crowd: Ooohhh! Aaaahhh.
Chief Wiggum: [Chuckling] ha hah haah hah...look at its nose!
Ned: [Rises with a glass in hand.] Congratulations, Homer.
Your 'Q is a huge success. Hey, a toast to the host who
can boast the most roast!
Homer: Thanks Flanders. I have to agree that everything
certainly ...[Lisa rolls behind homer with a lawn tractor,
pushing the pig grill ahead of her.] huh? [Crowd gasps.]
Marge: Bart, Nooooo!
Bart: [Standing beside her.] What?!
Marge: Sorry, force of habit. Lisa, nooooo!
-- Mouth before brain, take two, "Lisa the Vegetarian"
