Marge: Well, I'm Just Shocked By This Whole Family.

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Marge: Well, I'm just shocked by this whole family. Whatever happened
to good old-fashioned town pride?
Lisa: It's been going downhill ever since the lake caught fire.
Marge: Now just a darn minute. This town is a part of who you are.
This [holds one up] is a Springfield Isotopes cap. When you wear
it, you're wearing Springfield. When you eat a fish from our
river, you're eating Springfield. When you make lemonade from
our tree, you're drinking Springfield.
Bart: Mom, when you give that lecture, you're boring Springfield.
Marge: Bart, you have roots in this town and you ought to show respect
for it. This town is a part of us all. A part of us all. A
part of us all! Sorry to repeat myself, but it'll help you
[later, Bart skateboards]
Marge: [in Bart's head] This town is a part of us all. A part of us
all. A part of us all!
Bart: Wow, that _does_ work.
-- Marge Mnemonic, "Lemon of Troy"
