Homer: Ooh! It's That New Show About The Policeman Who Solves Crimes In His Spare Time.

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Homer: Ooh! It's that new show about the policeman who solves
crimes in his spare time.
Bart: Crank it, Homer!
Chief: You busted up that crack house pretty bad, McGonigle. Did
you really have to break so much furniture?
McGonigle: You tell me, Chief. You had a pretty good view from behind
your desk.
Homer: Ah, McGonigle: eases the pain.
Chief: You're off the case, McGonigle!
McGonigle: You're off _your_ case, Chief!
Chief: What does that mean exactly?
Homer: [yelling] It means he gets results, you stupid chief!
Lisa: Dad, siddown.
Homer: Oh, I'm sorry.
-- More award-winning TV shows, "Bart's Inner Child"
