A Diplomat Is A Person Who: + -always Knows What To Talk About, But Doesn't Always Talk About What He Knows.

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A diplomat is a person who:
+ -always knows what to talk about, but doesn't always talk about
what he knows.
+ -always tries to settle problems created by other diplomats.
+ -can always make himself misunderstood.
+ -can bring home the bacon without spilling the beans.
+ -can say the nastiest things in the nicest way.
+ -can tell you to go to hell so tactfully that you look forward to
the trip.
+ -comes right out and says what he thinks when he agrees with you.
+ -divides his time between running for office and running for cover.
+ -lets you do all the talking while he gets what he wants.
+ -puts his cards on the table, but still has some up each sleeve.
+ -will lay down your life for his country.
