Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Proof. There Are Many Examples Of Outsiders Who Eventually Overthrew Entrenched Scientific Orthodoxies, But They Prevailed With Irrefutable Data.

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Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. There are many examples of
outsiders who eventually overthrew entrenched scientific orthodoxies, but
they prevailed with irrefutable data. More often, egregious findings that
contradict well-established research turn out to be artifacts. I have
argued that accepting psychic powers, reincarnation, "cosmic conciousness,"
and the like, would entail fundamental revisions of the foundations of
neuroscience. Before abandoning materialist theories of mind that have paid
handsome dividends, we should insist on better evidence for psi phenomena
than presently exists, especially when neurology and psychology themselves
offer more plausible alternatives.
-- Barry L. Beyerstein, "The Brain and Conciousness:
-- Implications for Psi Phenomena",
-- The Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. XII No. 2, ppg. 163-171
