DATABASE Developed In The Early 1800's, By Rodney Database Of Darlingto

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Developed in the early 1800's, by Rodney Database of Darlington,
the database is a marvellously efficient way of putting large
amounts of information into one central repository, never to be
seen again. The design of the database is now an art form in
itself, and will usually include:
- just a dash of normalisation
- a whole bunch of useless information
- a whole bunch of fairly important information that no-one will
ever actually ask to see
- a whole bunch of very important information which will get
unexpectedly lost when a hardware fault occurs (eg someone
presses the wrong button) and the whole of your disk gets
wiped / paper files get burnt / tape gets melted down into a
large pudding, thrown out, buried in landfill and split in
two during an earthquake
