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We Have Only Two Things To Worry About: That Things Will Never Get Back To Normal, And That They Already Have.
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We have only two things to worry about: That things will never get
back to normal, and that they already have.
We have only two things to worry about: That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
We have only 2 things to worry about: That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
There are only two things to worry about. Either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about....
Not only are you anal, but you are anal about things most people have never even heard of.
-- Nigel...
If you are a normal person, you doubtless sometimes worry about things that might happen and fortunately do not.
A neurotic person worries about things that did not happen and wonders why....
Between "just desserts" and "tragic irony" we are given quite a lot of scope for our particular talent.
Generally speaking, things have gone about as far as they can possibly go when things have got about as bad as they reasonably get....
Ross: Question. Why do we always have to have parties where you poach things?
Monica: You wanna be in charge of the food committee?...
Trade in your Harley-Davidson for a motor scooter. That way you won't have to make a choice about whether you get to change gears, or use the brakes.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Don't worry about ladders in your stockings. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.