The ABCs Of Appliance Repair: A) At The First Sign Of Electrical Or Mechanical Trouble, Gently Wipe The Outside Of The Appliance With A Damp Cloth.

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The ABCs of Appliance Repair:

a) At the first sign of electrical or mechanical trouble, gently wipe the
outside of the appliance with a damp cloth. This should correct the problem.
b) If that doesn't work, don't do anything. Appliances will often repair
themselves if allowed plenty of rest. Make the appliance comfortable and do
not disturb for a couple of days. This should correct the problem.
c) An appliance responds to a caring attitude. Show that you understand its
feelings and that you are going to try to be more sensitive to its needs in
the future.
d) Don't take the appliances moods too seriously. Most bad behavior is just an
attempt to get your attention.
e) If the problem still persists, a direct threat (like holding the appliance
over the toilet) will help reestablish your authority.
f) All mechanical adjustments can be easily made with one simple, all-purpose
tool: a claw hammer. This should correct the problem.
-- "Sunday Magazine"
