Google Local For Cell Phone

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 Google Local for Cell Phone

Google Local for Cell Phone

Something really cool happened to me today. We wanted to have an early lunch at Chelokababi restaurant in Sunnyvale. We got there at 12:30 and they said they would open at 1:00pm. Since we didn't want to wait there for half an hour (and we really wanted to have Persian food), I pulled my little Sanyo 8600 out of my pocket and fired up its Google Local application I had downloaded a few days ago. A search for "Persian Restaurants in Sunnyvale" displayed a list of them and their locations graphically pinned on the map.

Even better, we called a friend who wanted to join us. He suggested "Negin" restaurant but nobody had any clue where they are or what their contact information is. I typed "Negin" this time and guess what - the engine not only corrected my spelling, but also showed the exact location of the restaurant along with the directions to it and its contact phone number. We called them, made sure they were open and reserved our table. Pretty cool, ain't it?

Sun Nov 13, 2005   (06:42 PM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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