WL: NetParents, President Of Brazil, Arnold, Food Timeline

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 WL: NetParents, President of Brazil, Arnold, Food Timeline

WL: NetParents, President of Brazil, Arnold, Food Timeline

Have a good weekend!

Greg's Digital Portfolio (Popdex)

President of Brazil seems to be a pretty cool guy!

78 differences between women and men.

Fight over a stolen domain: Owner of the swiped domain can sue Verisign.

You are gonna love this one! :-) A basic guide on how to keep your parents off the net! It's hilarious! :-)

How geeks became chicks.


Ever wanted to find out if a famous person is dead or alive?

Pictures of a real armed robbery.

The original Dancing Jakob Nielsen!

The history of the world in ten seconds.

And, a very interesting food timeline.

Have ever tried to catch a fly with chopsticks? [Flash Game]

Sun Aug 17, 2003   (07:14 PM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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