Yet Another Interesting Idea...

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 Yet Another Interesting Idea...

Yet Another Interesting Idea...

Everybody knows that web technology rocks, but not everyone knows that it rocks a big deal! The new ideas/technologies recently featured on /var/log/blog are just a few examples of how the Internet and the World Wide Web can changes our lives and make our lives easier (and happier?).

Friendster is an online community that connects people through networks of friends for dating or making new friends.

Imagine inviting a bunch of friends to this service and marking them as your friends. They will build their profile and invite their friends as well. This story goes on and on, making a huge network of friends and buddies where every person has a list of buddies and they are the ones who are connected to that particular person through a link in a graph where people are its nodes. And best of all, friend lists are public and available to everybody.

You may have heard that everyone on Earth is separated from anyone else by no more than six degrees of separation, or six friends of friends of friends. Here is another web site that was trying to prove/experiment Six Degrees of Separation and show how small the world can be (apparently, it's down now).

The cool fact about Friendster is their company is just a couple of blocks away from where I work! (Another fact that shows how small the world can be!)

Last but not least, you might want to check out Friendster's rival: Introvertster. It is an online community that prevents stupid people and friends from harassing you online! :-) [Love their Logo!]

Wed Aug 13, 2003   (06:01 PM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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