WL: Glassware, Blogstop, Fog Screen And Mona Lisa

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 WL: Glassware, Blogstop, Fog Screen and Mona Lisa

Here are the links for this weekend! Enjoy!

iGlassWare by Mistubishi Research Labs, detects fluid levels via a high-resolution capacitance measurement and notifies the servers if it's lower than a certain level! (via Hoder)

Liquidman follows all your moves!

I wish I had seen Britney's Guide to Semiconductor Physics when I was studying Electronics!

This Persian Cat looks exactly like the one my ex-roommate Jeff has!

Blogstop: The last word from the latest post is up for grabs. It's the acronym for the next. (via MetaFilter)

Eight Questions that Freak Men Out! :-)

Quiz: Are these guys programming languages inventors or serial killers?! :-)

The walk-thru fog screen is a novel and intriguing method for forming a superior quality physically penetrable dry fog display.

You saw Mona Lisa in the above link... It's time to make over Mona Lisa now! [Flash] (Don't forget to click Randomona a couple of times!)

And, here are 101 things you don't want your system administrator to say!

Sun Aug 3, 2003   (02:14 PM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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