How To Make Money Through Blogging

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 How to Make Money through Blogging

How to Make Money through Blogging

Ali Rafat, former reporter and current blogger who publishes "Paid Content" makes about $60,000 - $80,000 a year in advertising/sponsorship. Sweet, isn't it? Work from home and make 80k a year!

"I live in a small flat in East London in an area called Leytonstone. I don't drive. I have never owned a car. I don't even have a license. I don't have a lot of free time. I read a lot.", says Ali Rafat, in an interview with Wired.

WN: Do you have an editor?
Ali: No. I became used to not having an editor at the Silicon Alley Reporter, when I was the "managing editor" and writing (and) editing everything I did.
(NOTE: As the sole staff member on the Silicon Alley Reporter newsletter, Ali was able to choose his own title).

Sat Jul 19, 2003   (04:41 PM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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